How Jeet Adani uses this type of Principles to transform Adani Group

Jeet Adani is the Vice President of Adani Group Finance. Jeet Adani joined the Adani Group in 2019 after attending the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

He has started his career in the Group CFO’s office, looking at Strategic Finance, Capital Markets and Risk & Governance Policy.

This role involves working with across all of the Groups listed verticals.

Jeet Adani way executing his work is commendable. Below is our insight to how Jeet Adani manages that role to impact the Group.

Jeet Adani

In today’s business environment, with multiple transformation triggers creating strong pressure simultaneously. “We are living in interesting times, with multiple transformation triggers all present at the same time, all equally intense,” he says, pointing to a tipping point in globalization, a major slowdown in Western economies, significant shifts in technology and energy costs, and the challenges of regulatory compliance.

“When four or five significant drivers are changing at the same time, the business environment becomes highly complex,” says Vanderwerf. Additionally, as the life spans of these trends continue to shorten, organizations need to respond with flexible solutions they can adapt to the next development.


  • Getting the right strategic vision is critical.

This means being able to anticipate what the customer is going to want and how best to achieve it. It also includes defining the depth and scope of the changes and the redesign of internal processes and structures. The survey revealed that the majority of companies take a strategic approach to transformation by continually aligning their business models with strategy; the rest are split between those who view transformation as a wholesale turnaround that leads to an overhaul of the business model and those who adopt a narrower view, limiting themselves to transforming specific processes, functions or areas.

Before embarking on a transformation, consider these questions: Is a major transformation necessary or will a more surgical, limited repositioning be enough? Is the current state of your organization optimal for the type of transformation you are choosing? Or do you need to transform your organization before transforming the business?

  • Execution is the hardest part of transformation.

Most companies get the vision right, but the execution is the hard part: more than half of companies undertaking transformation fail to achieve the desired business result.

In the current complex and fast-changing business climate, organizations often underestimate the significance of operating model refinements necessary to effect transformation across people, process, technology, data management and risk management components.

Issues to consider include engaging new stakeholders, such as executives from risk and compliance, who may not have played big roles in transformation in the past, but are fast gaining in importance due to the increase in transformations triggered by the regulatory environment.  Also, the analysis of big data may provide new information about customers’ behavior, eliminating the guesswork when deciding on new directions.

  • The biggest challenge to transformation may be a leader wedded to a past or current success.

Executives cannot lull themselves into complacency based on a present revenue stream, but must keep transforming for the future. The transformation needs to be truly continuous, and thus never complete. That is because once it gets to this point, the transformation is a life-or-death event, an emergency rather than an elective surgery.

  • Take a broad view of customer demand when embarking on business transformation.

Customers need solutions, not specific products or services. Business transformation needs to be aligned with customers’ needs—in fact, it needs to anticipate them. Broader research on this topic reveals that customer demand can be decoded by figuring out transformation triggers that are affecting customers.