Lady narrates how she got pregnant while using birth control pills

Lady narrates how she got pregnant while using birth control pills

According to the lady who got pregnant while using the birth control pill. She narrated as follows.

I was 17. I was taking birth control r egularly since I was 15 for heavy periods with sever symptoms.

I had protected sex, but the condom broke. He broke up with me a week later, knowing there was a possibility I was pregnant. I had just gotten off my period and was only 3 days into that months pack so I continued taking the pills – as one does.

I got to the sugar pill week – no period. I bought a 3 pack of digital pregnancy tests. All three were positive. I told him and he blocked me on everything. I was alone.


I told my family and they told me they supported me… but only if I got an abortion or chose to put the child up for adoption. I was keeping my baby. I did tons of research and got very excited. Started working full time and was in line for a promotion at work.

About two weeks after I found out I was pregnant I started hemorrhaging. I begged my mom to take me to the ER. She took me after hours of begging. She was very angry and was convinced nothing was wrong. She did not care. We were there for five hours with many ultrasounds and lots of bloodwork.

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There was no sign of a baby in my uterus, but the lab work showed I was indeed pregnant. Since I was only about 4 weeks along, they told me to come back in a week. At that point I was in severe pain to the point where I could barely walk.

I went back and they did two more ultrasounds. No sign of baby in my uterus.. however they found it in my Fallopian tube. After that they rushed around to get me a shot of Methotrexate to abort the pregnancy so it would not burst my Fallopian tube. Had it done that there was a good chance I would have died.

I bled consistently and very heavily for the next month as it flushed everything out. I couldn’t not walk at all. At that point I was on a two month leave from work praying I wouldn’t get fired. I lost my baby and I will never get to meet them… I guess it worked out for the best, but I still miss my baby everyday.

Being a teenager and grieving over the loss of my baby that everyone else was happy for was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

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