“Richie Can Have His Issues With Guru, But Kuami Eugene Should Not Inherit His Enemies”

Showbiz is attention and attention whichever way you see it comes from controversies.
Hence, I have no issue with how controversial the Ghanaian music setting seem to be with the everyday jab and counter jabs from musicians.

It looks like it’s like that almost everywhere , but when emotions take a better part of what ideally should be business and nothing personal, then it’s only important we rewind the clock and see how it all begun and see if those who are fixated on holding onto the past have any justification for doing that or they are just been petty.

Many might have forgotten this but between 2006-2009, Ghana’s music front saw many jab and counter jabs, because that period served as a transitional period between the old school and the newly breed talents.
It was a City against City as Kumasi based Artiste were always spitting fire to Tema based Artiste and vice versa.

Last two was very active at the time, Okyeame Kwame had started his One Mic Entertainment and Richie had his Lynxx Entertainment.
It was a whole vibe, with raw talents at the time like Edem, Sarkodie, Guru, D-Cryme, Tic-Tall, Yaa Pono, Kunta Kinte, Flowking stone, it was only natural they struggle for the throne in carving their own path.

I believe at the time, it was necessary because those back to back jabs in their lyrics and counter jabs helped in creating the path for those who managed to stay through it all to be relevant today.
So you see, whoever will say “Beef” does not grow the industry knows nothing about what he is saying.
Unless it gets extreme like the needless pull of gun on the stage of VGMA like Stonebwoy and Shatta did and the unfortunate demise of a Coast Coast based Artiste Known as Unruly Grank who got stabbed days ago because of “Beef”.
Those cannot be entertained, because such corrodes the purpose of “Beef” which is to expand ones territory and dominance and nothing personal.


Before Obrafuor released his “Kasiebo” track in 2009, he had been off from the music scene for almost 3 years due to some strange ailments according to him.
“Rap Sofour”, as he is known to be needed something hot to announce his presence when he finally came back.
The track was a direct response to “Killing The Game” By Obuor, Okyeame Kwame and Richie.

“Killing The Game” was one music which spoke about the flaws in Ghana’s music industry and how industry players themselves are contributing to the death of the industry.
The best person to respond to that track at the time was Obrafour and he did it with style.
Because on the very track of “Killing The Game” where Obour and Okyeame Kwame delivered serious bars, if there is going to be a better reply, then it’s only worth to have come from Obrafuor.

Guru at the time was just a young artiste working hard to make his name a household name.
I believe Obrafuor settled on him because his talent and style best suited the “Kasiebo” music.
I don’t know what went into the production of Kasiebo but truth is even if Guru meant every word he said in that track, they are purely on the basis of work and nothing personal.
He was only doing his job as an artiste who got featured by an iconic figure like Obrafuor.

In Obrafuor’s interview with Joy FM’s DJ Black In October 2009, the rapper said the song was never directed at Okyeame Kwame or Obuor.
According to Obrafuor it was also meant to equally highlights the progress of the music space and nothing personal.
Okyeame Kwame thought otherwise and said that was a “diss” song to him.
He told DJ Black at the time that when he heard the song, he was compelled to call his “brother” Obrafuor to ask if they have issues.
From that time till 2019 where Obrafuor had to apologize once again to Okyeame Kwame somewhere 2019, the two acted cool but Okyeame Kwame was stil Hurt.

At the time Guru was featured, he was just a young guy full of energy and poised to take on the Ghanaian music space.
His delivery was classic, every music lover perhaps loved both tracks I mean “Killing The Game And Kasiebo”.


Guru has since 2009, lived up to the hype by producing back to back hit songs which swept the whole Ghana like wildfire.

Now back to 2021 and what is informing this writeup.
Without a doubt, like Richie Mensah richly said in his reply to Guru yesterday, Guru is a natural hitmaker, but the question is has Guru been awarded enough to show appreciation for his works in the past or present?

I will leave that for you to decide reminding you how “Lapaz Toyota” was overlooked at the VGMA and how many of his tracks even when they were national hits songs never got awarded.
When Richie Mensah started his Lynxx Entertainment In 2006, he had a plan and I so much respect everything he has achieved from 2006 till date.
Talk of Asem, OJ Black, Zigi, Eazzi, Mzvee And now Kidi And Kuami Eugene are evidence enough that Richie’s influence in the industry is a massive and cannot be underrated.
I have come acros series of interviews of Guru, with him maintaining that his song with Obrafuor over a decade ago was used or is still used against him by top industry players like Richie and Okyeame Kwame And Obuor.

Aside producing music, Richie plays a big role at the board of VGMA and that is no secret, aside that there are DJs who respect him for his works and the Artiste he has managed.
I do not have to remind you Obour was the President of MUSIGA and Okyeame Kwame was Obour’s right hand man at the time.
If indeed the above mentioned names decides to sabotage an Artiste, they have enough power and all the necessary links to do so even though I doubt they will ever do anything as such like Guru has alleged.

This is not meant to cast Guru in any good light, because I believe if indeed Guru feels Richie and Okyeame Kwame And Obour are those sabotaging him just for featuring on a song which was a subtle jab to them at the time, I believe there are people Guru should have channeled his grievances to settle the issue and not the mainstream media or social media as he did and still doing.
I have heard him in series of interviews directly mentioning the above names and how they are against his growth in the music industry.
Those are ridiculous assertions from Guru and must not be tolerated by any right thinking fellow.

Whatever concerns Guru have now cannot entirely be about his issues with Richie and Okyeame Kwame or Obuor.
Without a doubt in the last 2 years, Guru has not been the Artiste he’s known for with respect to producing hit songs, so this could be a gimmick to catch few attention and release some few new works to see if it could revive his “gone silent” career.
I believe it was his exact intent, looking at how rapid he have been sharing his past and present works on his social media handle ever since the issue Richie, Kuami Eugene and Lynxx Entertainment “caught fire”.
I pray it works for him, but it cannot be right for Richie and his friends to still hold grudge with Guru over whatever happened over a decade ago in their heart to the extent that he is indirectly recruiting his young artistes to be part of this. I don’t even want to believe it is the case, perhaps Guru is only exaggerating the whole issue. Trust nobody but the calm nature of Richie makes it hard for me to imagine he could do anything despicable of the nature.


Of course, Loyalty is important if one intends growing and going far, but wisdom supersedes loyalty. As a result in critical times even if you will demonstrate loyalty, Carry wisdom in your dealings.
From Richie’s reply to Guru yesterday, it was clear Guru approached his two buzzing Artiste Kidi And Kuami Eugene for a feature which got turned down by management of Lynxx Entertainment.
Featuring or collaboration is never Force, it’s done out of free will, hence it cannot be a problem when someone says no to working with you.
But you see, Kuami Eugene should have demonstrated wisdom when he was asked about featuring Guru.
His reply “opened gate” for all these jabs and counter jab.
Kuami Eugene is multitalented and that is not even up for debate but simply saying “I’m under a label and whatever my label decide is what I will do, or I will choose not to answer that question” could have saved all this brouhaha.
I perfectly remember when Mzvee had her issues with Lynxx Entertainment and same Kuami Eugene was asked about it, his reply of literally saying “the exit of Mzvee means enough attention for him and Kidi” was in bad taste. Because if for nothing, Mzvee held the Lynxx banner high for years before you were discovered, you should at least be measured even if you want her out badly to augment your growth.


Look, Some are not happy about the fast growth of Kuami Eugene In the music industry, most especially with him winning Artiste of the year.
I believe he worked for it, he deserved it and if he wins the ultimate award this year, it will equally be the right call.
But come to think of it, could all this be because Guru shaded Kuami Eugene after the VGMA that it should have gone to Sarkodie that is why he’s refusing a feature with him or he’s just a caring “son” who is concerned about how allegedly “disrespectful” Guru have been to his “Father” Richie?

Guru have got his own issues that needs to be dealt with holistically.
You don’t discredit an Artiste who worked hard to win an award by saying he does not deserve it only to turn around to ask him to feature on your song.
I mean who does that ? It’s like going to a chop bar to tell the owner her food is never sweet and when you are going back home, you ask if she can get you soup to go eat your Gari or rice at home.
Guru himself at a point was equally arrogant and felt unstoppable when he had many hit songs coming his way, I am sure he equally turned down people who badly needed his verse on their track hence if those hit songs are no longer coming and he badly needs one, he will have to do things the right way and not go about picking on others.
I believe he’s still got what it takes to make hit songs.
He just have to focus on the craft and leave the pettiness behind.
After all you cannot be loved by everyone, because you are not “Jollof” wait, it should rather be you are not deliciously cooked Ghana jollof Because Nigeria Jollof diier “enko yie”, even that not everyone likes it, Some prefer Waakye to Jollof so it’s only normal for Guru to feel some industry persons don’t like him. What happened at the time Guru was producing hit songs? Why didn’t he come out at the time to speak about how Richie and his friends are sabotaging him but had to wait till now that his career is on the decline to start this needless nagging?


Now, what I am about to say may not sound very well to many reading this piece but I will still say it regardless because truth they say hurts but brings relief.
As talented as Kuami Eugene is, he is overly becoming a nuisance and should be talked to.
I agree there is difference between confidence and arrogance but at least Kidi is on same record label with him, he’s equally talented and have great great songs, in-fact, there are those who even rate Kidi above Kuami Eugene; that’s their choice regardless But Kidi comes with less controversies apart from his Baby Mama issues and his bulge, he has always maintained a cool head unlike his mate Kuami Eugene.

Knowing when to speak and when to shut up could take you far in whatever journey you are embarking on. Kuami Eugene is talking too much lately, which will only create room for people to be critical of him and start “hating on him”. See, if the past is anything to go by then even as he grows fast with his talent, Kuami Eugene will have to look before leaping.
Richie’s Lynxx Entertainment have seen many talented Artiste in the past who made serious impact in the music industry.
I want you to think about this, “How many out of the many Artistes Richie managed were able to stay as high profile Artiste after exiting his record label?”
Think about these names, Asem, Zigi, Eazzi.
I am holding on to Mzvee because she is still trying to revive herself so with her it’s only time that will tell if the widely held notion that once an Artiste leaves Lynxx Entertainment that is the end of his or her fame or career is true or false.

It is as a result of this Kuami Eugene should stay smart and not inherit enemies he never made.
Because you see, Ghana’s music scope is a funny but interesting one.
Bandana started with Batman, Batman changed to Samini, Bandana went off.
It took him years to regroup himself, he came back as Shatta Wale, begun a battle with Samini.
Samini in turn nurtured Stonebwoy, the battle moved from Shatta Wale and Samini to Shatta Wale and Stonebwoy.
Samini’s son “Stonebwoy” as we speak has fallen off with his “father” for obvious reasons.
Stonebwoy also recruited Kelvybwoy who inherited Stonebwoy’s enemy(Shatta Wale) while Addiself and Joint 77 inherited the enemies of Shatta Wale(Stonebwoy) today I don’t have to tell you how it started for the above mentioned names and how it is going.

The path to the top is funny, same way Guru had hits songs in the past and is struggling to get one now does and wanted a feature with Kuami Eugene does not mean it wouldn’t reach a level Kuami Eugene will also not struggle for hit songs. Such is life, Bilgate ultimately lost his number 1 spot of being the richest person for years to another person when things took a different turn.
It is not good for his career for him to also see in bad light those his boss(Richie) have issues with.
I doubt if he is going to stay with Lynxx Entertainment forever and even if he does, there are chances he won’t remain a preferred Artiste forever.


I love Eugene’s work and this is just a piece meant to draw his attention to the fact that things can take a dramatic twist so fast. So while on top, make the most out of it so that when the unpleasant times comes, you wouldn’t have to regret your actions and inaction of the past.

There are lessons to pick from this Guru and Lynxx Entertainment brouhaha.
Teephlow is out with a jab at Guru as to how he(Guru) “Stole” his shine by forcefully taking over the “Alkaeida” dance. As a result he crying for something he is guilty of only give credence to the work of karma. That is Teephlow’s assertion.
All these only makes the music industry funny and interesting. The industry is such time time to time there will be new Kings, how well you are treated if you exit your throne largely depends on your conduct when you were reigning. May the soul of Ebony Reigns Rest In Peace.
If Stonebwoy can fall out with Kelvynbwoy a “boy” many thought will be under him forever and if Shatta Wale can sack his militant including Pope Skinny then there should never be permanent enemies for young lads like Kuami Eugene but only permanent interest.
His relationship with Richie should be purely professional.
Richie’s “enemies” should be his and his alone. Before him Kuami Eugene there was Lynxx Entertainment, after him there will be Lynxx Entertainment, but how well he behaves to others in the industry even though he is undoubtedly the hottest Artiste now could play a significant role for him when he is no longer as hot as he is now.
The ultimate aim of “Beef” should be making money, expanding fan base and try staying on top as long as God and hard work will permit.
After all Jay Z and NAS made peace at the end. Shatta And Stonebwoy are no longer throwing jabs at each other even though it’s a facade and most importantly Sarkodie and Manifest are cool now.


Perhaps the mistake Guru made at the time was also trying to inherit the enemies of Obrafuor and making them his. Today while Obrafuor feels no pressure on him for anyone sabotaging him, it is Guru who is feeling the heat, that is how fast things can change.

So you see there is ample wisdom in this write up by me simply saying, Kuami Eugene should stay focus, release more hit songs and never inherit any “Shadow” enemy of his boss “Richie” because today you are on top, next minute you are out of the race.

Email: zonupatrick@gmail.com
Contact: 0200100066


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